Personality Test
Our first assignment of HMP 722 was to take two personality tests, the Big Five and the 16 personalities. Both of them were very straight forward and only took a few minutes to complete. I have taken both tests in the past for other class and for the most part have gotten the same results. The first personality test I took was the 16 personalities test. As I said before I have taken this test in the past so I knew what I was getting myself into. I tried to go into this test with an op en mind because at this point I know the test so well I can get the same personality each time. But, unfortunately no matter how hard I tried I came out with the same result I normally get which is- ESTJ otherwise known as the executive personality. According to 16 personalities website-" Executives are representatives of tradition and order, utilizing their understanding of what is right, wrong and socially acceptable to bring families and communities together." Although I have taken this tes...