How to speak so that people want to listen | Julian Treasure
I think that this is a great Ted talk for everyone whether you are good at talking in front of people or not. Julian Treasure talks about how to speak in front of people so they actually listen. Julian says there are seven things that shouldn't talk about when you want people to listen. The seven things you shouldn't talk about are gossip, judging, negativity, complaining, excuses, lying, and dogmatism. If you talk about any of these topics while trying to speak powerfully most likely people will be less interested in what you are trying to say. Julian says in order to have a powerful speech you must follow the guidelines of HAIL: Honesty- being clear and straight, Authenticity- being yourself, Integrity- being your word, and Love- wishing people well. Julian says if you follow these guidelines not only will people listen to you but your speech will be much more powerful and less boring. The final guideline Julian gives us is the tool box to increase the power of your speech. ...