How to succeed? Get more sleep | Arianna Huffington

I found another great TED Talk, this time by Arianna Huffington, where she simply talks about how sleep I such an important aspect of being a leader. I know this subject may seem a little corny, but the fact is we simply don't get enough sleep and it truly impacts our lives. Some college students are staying up until 3 or 4 in the morning and then waking up at 8 for class and then go about their days why no energy or will to learn. Arianna learned this the hard way for herself when one day after not getting enough sleep she fainted and hit her head because of sleep deprivation. Arianna believes that just because someone has a high IQ does not make you a great leader. A great leader is someone who can see the iceberg before it hits the Titanic. In other words someone who gets more sleep than someone else will enjoy life better and be more aware, become a better leader and succeed in their careers. 


  1. Hi Jason, Thanks for the video. I find that sleep is never taken very seriously as a topic of concern because everybody varies in their need. Although I like comedy and believe that it makes tedtalks more enjoyable and often the content sticks in my brain better, I wish Ariana didn't make so many jokes. I think the laughter at the beginning when she revealed her topic shows that sleep is laughable and not taken seriously. I wish she had used more data to prove why we should stop laughing and start caring. I love Ariana's point about sleep deprivation competition. At work I mention staying in on weekends sometimes to get sleep. My older colleagues usually counter with "you don't understand yet what tired is" which I find quite belittling and misinformed. I don't counter because their thoughts on how I spend my nights aren't what keep me up. I think everyone needs more compassion, we would all benefit from more sleep and less competition and judgement.

  2. If you like this kind of life-hack, I recommend the Tim Ferriss podcast. He has had a couple of sleep gurus on and they talked about Huffington.

    1. I remember one road march I did early in my career in the middle of the night after not having had much sleep for about a week leading up to it. I repeatedly fell asleep while walking and had the wildest hallucinatory dreams - until I would bump into the guy in front of me, or the guy behind me would give me a shove. I also remember an exercise where I went for almost three days without sleep. On the second night, I led a squad of my men on a five hour tour around the desert in the middle of the night because I kept reversing east and west because I was so tired. At the end of the exercise, I almost injured a real patient we were evacuating because I was so dazed and confused. Sleep management is a serious thing.

  3. As the winner of the high school superlative "gets the most sleep", I can say I fully agree that sleep matters! Going into a day well rested and alert can change your whole outlook and attitude. I know I need at least 8 hours, otherwise I just feel off.


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