Understand Your Boss by Astrology Sign

After seeing Regan's recent post about astrology signs in the work place I decided to give it a try to see my outcome. I have never been a huge believer in horoscopes or readings of the future and what not but I am willing to give it a go just out of curiosity.  My zodiac sign is a Gemini and heres what my results came out to be...

The Gemini Boss
May 22-June 21
Strengths: lively, communicative, interestingWeaknesses: distracted, superficial, nervousInteractive Style: forward, adaptable, logical
Most Geminis are not comfortable giving orders or running an organization day to day. They are basically the types who enjoy being part of a team and sharing experiences on an equal level. Thus, although they are quite capable of taking on the work involved in being bosses, they are not born leaders themselves and would much prefer to hang back and let things run on their own. Gemini bosses are very good at delegating authority, relying on a few capable employees to oversee the activities of their company. Such individuals are usually well-rewarded and given a wide range of responsibilities. However, the Gemini boss likes to make the final decisions on all important matters.

For the most part this reading seems pretty accurate. I think that the strengths are the most accurate part of the results. The least accurate to me is that Geminis are not comfortable giving orders or running an organization day to day. The past several summers, I have been in a management position working at a mini golf course and I had no problem giving orders or running the shift. I am definitely good at delegating authority as well and giving orders to others. Overall, the results were pretty interesting and I recommend people see what their own results are to see if they line up!


  1. I left a long comment on Regan's blog about my thoughts on astrology. I think the birth date assignment of signs is too rigid. The rest you could read if you want.

    One trick to writing fortunes of course is to write them so generally that everyone can see something about themselves in every one of them. This is a weakness of a lot of these psychological indicators that we have been playing with. I see them primarily as a good starting point for a discussion about personality. Human beings are complex and adaptive. Our behavior is highly contextual.

    Have you heard of the Stanford Prison experiment? That might be something we should talk about in class. There's a lot of power to expectations.

  2. I have not heard of the Stanford Prison experiment before. I would definitely be interested in learning about it in class!

  3. I like how you applied your results to your job! Its cool to see what other peoples results are! :)


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