7 Body Language Habits for Effective Leaders

As I was searching for a new leadership video to post on my blog I stumbled across this video: 7 Body Language Habits for Effective Leaders. I thought that this would be a good transition into our internships this summer. At our jobs sites we need to look and act professional and to do that we need to work on our body language. We can't just slouch back in our seats at work like we are hanging out and watching TV. Body language plays a huge part in our leadership skills and nearly 80%-90% on how people perceive us. The first habit to be an effective leader is your posture, you don't want to shrink back and look small, sit and stand upright like you are interested. The next habit is your spacital awareness. You don't want to sit or stand right on top of someone. Give people their space but don't sit or stand so far away that you have to yell just to talk to someone. Next is eye contact, I think that we have all learned about this many times, but eye contact is key, it lets the other person know you are interested. Number four is smiling, smiling is also important because again it lets the other person know you are interested in the conversation you are having. Number five is hand gestures. Small hand gestures are important if they flow with your conversation. Flailing your arms around is something you do not want to do. Hand gestures move into the next habit which is movement. Less movement is more powerful and it is shown in leaders. You do not want to be jumping and running around. The final habit is voice tone. Studies show a lower slower voice is shown in leaders. This is just brief overview of the video but I encourage everyone to watch this video because it is a huge help!


  1. This was a very informative video and I will definitely use these habits once I begin my internship. i believe that body language is a very important aspect to being professional.

  2. When I interviewed Joe Pepe for the podcast, this was one of the things he said surprised him about becoming a CEO - that even his smallest gestures and expressions were being observed and discussed. As a leader, or someone who aspires to be a leader, being self-aware of your body language is critical. Nice find.


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