Time Management

I recently just took a quiz on MindTools.com called "How Good Is Your Time Management?" Time management plays a huge role when you first enter college and especially when you get into the work place. You need to be able to balance all your work so you are able to get it all complete by the date it is due. For me personally I know I tend to have a tough time with this so I took this little quiz to see if my results were accurate with my thoughts.

Results: 40, You're good at some things, but there's room for improvement elsewhere.

believe for the most part that this is correct. Some days I tend to be good at time management and I get a head start on work to get it done early. This is a huge stress reliever and I do not panic later on. Other times I am not so good at time management and I am backed up doing other work as well in order to get everything done in time. This was a fun little quiz and everyone should see how well their time management is!


  1. I was talking with a former colleague who is now the dean of my old school about her new job, and she said the most difficult thing for her is managing her time. She has so many subordinate organizations, some of which are in different states, that it's difficult to find time to think. She just runs from meeting to meeting and answers e-mail in between. So it doesn't get easier!

  2. I always wonder how accurate these quizzes are- I know in the past I've felt differently about some of the results that I received.

    Time management is a skill that I know I didn't really understand until college and I'm still working on mastering it, but it can make a world of difference in your ability to live without mountains of stress.


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